Which houseplant is right for you? Take our quiz!

Before welcoming a new potted pal into your home, its wise to do a little research to figure out which type of houseplant is best suited to the conditions and level of attention you can provide. Otherwise, get ready for the anxiety of watching leaves crisp or yellow and wondering which of the many plant-parent

Before welcoming a new potted pal into your home, it’s wise to do a little research to figure out which type of houseplant is best suited to the conditions and level of attention you can provide. Otherwise, get ready for the anxiety of watching leaves crisp or yellow and wondering which of the many plant-parent sins you may have committed: Overwatering? Underwatering? Too much light? Too little?

“I’ve killed every single plant that you could imagine, and that’s how I learned,” says Emily O’Gwin, a greenhouse manager at American Plant in Bethesda, Md.

With O’Gwin’s help, we’ve crafted a quiz to make the learning curve a little gentler for you. Answer honestly — this is a safe space — to narrow down which houseplant matches your lifestyle. And remember: This is only a starting point. For even more tailored guidance, chat with your local plant purveyor.

Question 1 of 4

What kind of sunlight can you give this plant?

Direct light

Medium light

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Question 2 of 4

How much attention are you willing to pay this plant?

Eager to have an active daily relationship with it.

Willing to check in about once a week.

You’ll give this plant a very occasional drink.

Would love to basically forget about this plant.

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Question 3 of 4

Where would you like to put this plant?

On the floor

On a shelf, desk or table

I want to hang it from the ceiling

Question 4 of 4

Do you want your plant to flower or otherwise add color to your space?

Yes, please

No, thanks

You need to answer every question to see your result. You’re missing questions 1, 2, 3 and 4.

About this story

Editing by Marisa Kashino. Copy editing by Susan Doyle and Sarah Mark. Illustrations by Taehyoung Jeon. Art direction, design and development by Marissa Vonesh. Additional development by Garland Potts. Design editing by Chloe Meister.

