300 BC: Hairstyling was introduced in Rome; women used hair color to indicate class: noblewomen tinted their hair red, middle-class colored their hair blond, and poor women colored their hair black. Renaissance: (Began in the 14th century and lasted into the 17th century.)Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, when did cosmetology begin?In ancient Greece, the makeup trade utilized saffron or lead for color palates. Women from Sparta were forbidden from wearing makeup due to the belief that they possessed superior beauty. The customs of baths, spas, manicures, and hairdressing as we know them today originated in ancient Greece.Additionally, what was the first makeup brand? The art of wearing makeup was invented approximately 12,000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians. But the makeup market was developed in the US during the 1910s by Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubinstein, and Max Factor. These firms were joined by Revlon just before World War II and Estée Lauder just after. Hereof, how long has Cosmetology been around? Historians can trace our use of beauty products and cosmetics back to 4,000 BC, and the ancient Egyptians who used kohl to create dramatic eyes. Today, the worldwide beauty industry, which covers everything from hair and skin care to make-up is an estimated $425 billion industry.Who wore makeup first man or woman?Cosmetics were also used in ancient Rome, although much of Roman literature suggests that it was frowned upon. It is known that some women in ancient Rome invented make up including lead-based formulas, to whiten the skin, and kohl was used to line the eyes.